YsFlight free flight simulator for Windows and Linux Review and YouTube Movies by AskMisterWizard

YsFlight F4 "Phamtom" aircraft over airport

The "YsFlight" flight simulator is very simple.  It runs well on older hardware and it is easier to learn than most others. It's great for introducing new people to the flight simulation hobby, and I've even had fine success teaching my grandsons (ages 4 and 7) to fly it. The graphics, written in both "opengl" and "DirectX3", use old-style "polygon" techniques that result in bright, high-definition, crisp images  that lack the ultra-realistic appearance of the most modern sims, but that excite the attention of younger people.

In September of 2009 I downloaded, installed, and configured the latest version on my Windows XP and PcLinuxOs hosts, and I set up a LAN-based YsFlight lab that allows me and 4 friends to fly "Head to Head". You can learn the basics of setting up LANs at:

http://www.AskMisterWizard.com, where you'll find fantastic video instruction.

Here is our YouTube Playlist showing YsFlight basics:

  YouTube Playlist